The Education Equity Alliance is committed to transparency, accountability, and equity when it comes to K-12 education. Here are some resources to keep you informed.
For over 150 years, Vermont’s system of providing taxpayer-funded vouchers for students in towns without their own public schools worked. Not anymore, thanks to the US Supreme Court’s conservative majority. As Vermonters carve out a new path in taxpayer funding of K-12 education, we must ensure we respect Vermont values while crafting a solution that can pass muster with the US Supreme Court.
H.258/S.66 Summary and Explanation
Education Equity Alliance Values Statement
Vermont-NEA webinar on how Carson affects you
Video of Vermont’s School Funding System -COMING SOON
Video of How Voucher System Affects Public School Financing - COMING SOON
State Auditor Report on Private School Accountability
State Auditor Report on Use of Vouchers at Private Schools and How it Affects School Financing
Testimony of Peter Burrows, President VSA
Testimony of Jeanne Collins Deweese